13-14 June 2024 | Siena
Here is the programme of the International Workshop on Late Antique Latin Autobiographies, held in Siena on 13 and 14 June 2024. And here is a … Read more
LALAB is an international network with a dedicated website on the general tendencies of Latin autobiography between the fourth and the sixth centuries, with further explorations in the immediately previous and following centuries. As long noted, “in the century and a half from about 360 we have more autobiographical works than in all the preceding epochs of Greek and Latin literature, leaving political autobiography out of account” (G. Misch, A History of Autobiography in Antiquity, 1950). Here scholars can share their experiences, challenges and outcomes, by analyzing a significant number of case studies in the framework of Late Latin literature. This is just a start into the mare magnum of what autobiography is, but … solvimus aurorae dubio (Rut. De red. I 217).
Maestà di Ambrogio Lorenzetti - Siena, Chiesa di Sant'Agostino (con Agostino che offre dei libri)
Here is the programme of the International Workshop on Late Antique Latin Autobiographies, held in Siena on 13 and 14 June 2024. And here is a … Read more