Selected bibliography on Late Antique Latin Autobiography


Anglani 1996 = B. Anglani, I letti di Procuste. Teorie e storie dell’autobiografia, Bari-Roma, Laterza, 1996.


Arrighetti-Montanari 1993 = G. Arrighetti – F. Montanari (edd.), La componente autobiografica nella poesia greca e latina fra realtà e artificio letterario, Atti del convegno (Pisa, 16-17 maggio 1991), Pisa, Giardini, 1993.


Arweiler-Möller 2008 = A. Arweiler – M. Möller, Vom Selbst-Verständnis in Antike und Neuzeit. Notions of the Self in Antiquity and Beyond, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2008.


Austin 1983 = N. J. E. Austin, Autobiography and History. Some Later Roman Historians and their Veracity, in B. Croke – A. M. Emmett (edd.), History and Historians in Late Antiquity, Sydney, Pergamon Press, 1983, pp. 54-65.


Bachtin 1979 = M. M. Bachtin, Estetica e romanzo, trad. it. a cura di C. Strada Janovic, Torino, Einaudi, 1979.


Bartsch 2006 = Sh. Bartsch, The Mirror of the Self: Sexuality, Self-knowledge, and the Gaze in the Early Roman Empire, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2006.


Baslez-Hoffmann-Pernot 1993 = M.-F. Baslez – Ph. Hoffmann – L. Pernot (edd.), L’invention de l’autobiographie: d’Hésiode à Augustin, Actes du deuxième colloque de l’Équipe de recherche sur l’hellénisme post-classique (Paris, École normale supérieure, 14-16 juin 1990), Paris, Éditions Rue d’Ulm/Presses de l’École normale supérieure, 19931, 20182.


Battistini 1990 = A. Battistini, Lo specchio di Dedalo. Autobiografia e biografia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1990; 20072.


Bellucci 1986 = N. Bellucci, Alle origini dell’autobiografia: riflessioni sulle Confessiones di Agostino, in Folena 1986, pp. 25-35.


Black 2006 = F. C. Black (ed.), The Recycled Bible: Autobiography, Culture, and the Space Between, Atlanta (Ga.), SBL Press, 2006.


Böhmer = F. Böhmer, Der Commentarius. Zur Vorgeschichte und literarischen Form der Schriften Caesars, “Hermes” 81, 1953, pp. 210-250.


Bompaire 1993 = J. Bompaire, Quatre styles d’autobiographie au IIe siècle après J.C.: Aelius Aristides, Lucien, Marc-Aurèle, Galien, in Baslez-Hoffmann-Pernot 1993, pp. 199-209 (2018, pp. 231-244).


Broer 2009 = I. Broer, Autobiographie und Historiographie bei Paulus, in T. Schmeller (ed.), Historiographie und Biographie im Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt, “Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments”, 69, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2009, pp. 155-178.


Brugnoli 1995 = G. Brugnoli, Nascita e sviluppo della biografia romana: aspetti e problemi, in Gallo-Nicastri 1995, pp. 79-107.


Bruss 1974 = E. W. Bruss, L’autobiographie considerée comme acte littéraire, “Poétique” 17, 1974, pp. 14-26.


Canfora 1990 = L. Canfora, L’autobiografia intellettuale, in G. Cavallo – P. Fedeli – A. Giardina (edd.), Lo spazio letterario di Roma antica, vol. III, Roma, Salerno editrice, pp. 11-51.


Caputo-Monaco 1997 = R. Caputo – M. Monaco (edd.), Scrivere la propria vita. L’autobiografia come problema critico e teorico, Roma, Bulzoni, 1997.


Cary 2000 = Ph. Cary, Augustine’s Invention of the Inner Self. The Legacy of a Christian Platonist, New York, Oxford University Press, 2000.


Castellana 2019 = R. Castellana, Finzioni biografiche. Teoria e storia di un genere ibrido, Roma, Carocci, 2019.


Castellana 2021 = R. Castellana (ed.), Fiction e non fiction. Storia, teorie e forme, Roma 2021.


Chassignet 2003 = Martine Chassignet, La naissance de l’autobiographie à Rome: «laus sui» ou «apologia de uita sua»?, “Revue des Études Latines”, 81, 2003, pp. 65-78.


Cerutti 1986 = T. Cerutti, Per una tipologia dell’io autobiografico, in Folena 1986, pp. 17-24.


Consolino 1993 = F. E. Consolino, Il discorso autobiografico nella poesia latina tarda, in   Arrighetti-Montanari 1993, pp. 209-228.


Cornell 2009 = T. J. Cornell, Cato the Elder and the Origins of Roman Autobiography, in Smith-Powell-Cornell 2009, pp. 15-40.


Cortellessa 1997 = A. Cortellessa, Generi «contigui» all’autobiografia. Bibliografia selezionata di studi, in Caputo-Monaco 1997, pp. 351-366.


Costanza 1975 = S. Costanza, Aspetti autobiografici nell’opera di Paolino di Nola, «Giornale Italiano di Filologia» 6, 1975, pp. 265-277.


Courcelle 1963 = P. Courcelle, Les Confessions de Saint Augustin dans la tradition littéraire: antécedents et postérité, Paris, Études Augustiniennes, 1963.


Courcelle 1968 = P. Courcelle, Recherches sur les Confessions de Saint Augustin, Paris, De Boccard, 19682.


D’Intino 1997 = F. D’Intino, Il genere “autobiografia”. Bibliografia di fonti e studi, in Caputo-Monaco 1997, pp. 315-350.


D’Intino 1998 = F. d’Intino, L’autobiografia moderna. Storia forme problemi, Roma, Bulzoni, 1998.


Dormeyer 2004 = D. Dormeyer, Augenzeugenschaft, Geschichtschreibung, Biographie, Autobiographie und Evangelien in der Antike, in J. Schröter – A. Eddelbüttel (edd.), Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit: Beiträge aus geschichtstheoretischer, philosophischer und theologischer Perspektive, Berlin – New York, De Gruyter, 2004, pp. 237-261.


Elm 2015 = S. Elm, Apology as Autobiography: An Episcopal Genre?: Emperor Julian, Gregory of Nazianzus, Augustine of Hippo, in Stenger 2015, pp. 41-56.


Fehn 2008 = U. Fehn, Antike Biografik und moderne Gattungsdefinition, in K. Herrmann – K. Geus – U. Fehn – E. Porsch (edd.), «Dona sunt pulcherrima», Festschrift für Rudolf Rieks, Oberhaid, Utopica, 2008, pp. 213-320.


Folena 1986 = G. Folena (ed.), L’autobiografia. Il vissuto e il narrato (“Quaderni di retorica e poetica” 1, 1986), Padova, Liviana, 1986.


Follet 1993 = S. Follet, A la découverte de l’autobiographie, in Baslez-Hoffmann-Pernot 1993, pp. 325-328 (2018, pp. 379-384).


Fontaine 1981 = J. Fontaine, Naissance de la poésie dans l’Occident chrétien. Esquisse d’une histoire de la poésie latine chrétienne du IIIe au VIe siècle, Paris, Études augustiniennes, 1981.


Foucault 1983 = M. Foucault, La scrittura di sé, “Aut aut” 195-196, 1983, pp. 5-18.


Fredouille 1993 = J.-C. Fredouille, Les Confessions d’Augustin, autobiographie au présent, in Baslez-Hoffmann-Pernot 1993, pp. 167-178 (2018, pp. 193-207).


Fredriksen 2012 = P. Fredriksen, The Confessions as Aautobiography, in Vessey-Reid 2012, pp. 87-98.


Fuhrer 2013 = Th. Fuhrer, Hypertext and Auxiliary Texts: New Genres in Late Antiquity?, in Papanghelis-Harrison-Frangoulidis 2013, pp. 79-89.


Gallo-Nicastri 1995 = I. Gallo – L. Nicastri (edd.), Biografia e autobiografia degli antichi e dei moderni, Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1995.


Gasti 2020 = F. Gasti, La letteratura tardolatina. Un profilo storico (secoli III-VIII d.C.), Roma, Carocci, 2020.


Gibson 2013 = R. K. Gibson, Letters into Autobiography: the Generic Mobility of the Ancient Letter Collection, in Papanghelis-Harrison-Frangoulidis 2013, pp. 387-416.


Guglielminetti 1977 = M. Guglielminetti, Memoria e scrittura. L’autobiografia da Dante a Cellini, Torino, Einaudi, 1977.


Guglielminetti 1986 = M. Guglielminetti, Biografia e autobiografia, in A. Asor Rosa (ed.), Letteratura Italiana Einaudi, vol. 5: Le questioni, Torino, Einaudi, 1986, pp. 829-886.


Hart 1970 = R. Hart, Notes for an Anatomy of Modern Autobiography, “New Literary History” 1, n. 3, History and Fiction, spring 1970, pp. 485-510.


Howarth 1974 = W. L. Howarth, Some Principles of Autobiography, “New Literary History” 5, n. 2, Changing Views of Character, winter 1974, pp. 363-381; anche in Olney 1980 (poi 2014), pp. 84-114.


Insley – Mellon Saint-Laurent 2018 = S. Insley – J.-N. Mellon Saint-Laurent, Biography, Autobiography and Hagiography, in McGill-Watts 2018, pp. 373-387.


Kaufmann 2022 = H. Kaufmann, Identity in Latin Verse Autobiography, in L. Roig Lanzillotta, J. L. Brandão, C. Teixeira and Á. Rodrigues (edd.), Roman Identity: Between Ideal and Performance, Turnhout, Brepols, 2022, pp. 71-90.


Kotzé 2020 = A. Kotzé, Structure and Genre of the Confessions, in Toom 2020, pp. 28-45.


Lachenau-Longrée 2003 = G. Lachenaud – D. Longrée (edd.), Grecs et Romains aux prises avec l’histoire, réprésentations, récits et idéologie, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2003, pp. 621-632.


La Penna = A. La Penna, L’autorappresentazione e la rappresentazione del poeta come scrittore da Nevio a Ovidio, “Aevum Antiquum” 5, 1992, pp. 143-185, ora nel suo Da Lucrezio a Persio. Saggi, studi, note, con una bibliografìa degli scritti dell’autore, a cura di M. Citroni – E. Narducci – A. Perutelli, Firenze, Sansoni, 1995.


Lane Fox 2015 = R. Lane Fox, Augustine: Conversions to Confessions, New York, Penguin, 2015.


Lefkowitz 1978 = M. R. Lefkowitz, The Poet as Hero. Fifth-Century Autobiography and Subsequent Biographical Fiction, “Classical Quarterly” 28, 1978, pp. 459-469.


Lejeune 1975 = Ph. Lejeune, Autobiographie et histoire littéraire, “Revue d’histoire littéraire de la France” 75.6, L’Autobiographie, Nov. – Dec. 1975, pp. 903-936.


Lejeune 1980 = Ph. Lejeune, Je est un autre. L’autobiographie de la littérature au médias, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1980, pp. 32-59.


Lejeune 1986 = Ph. Lejeune, Il patto autobiografico, trad. it. Bologna, Il Mulino, 1986.


Lejeune 1986b = Ph. Lejeune, Moi aussi, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1986.


Lejeune 1996 = Ph. Lejeune, Le pacte autobiographique, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 19751 (nouvelle édition augmentée 1996).


Lejeune 2005 = Ph. Lejeune, Signes de vie: le pacte autobiographique 2, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 2005.


Lewis 1993 = R. G. Lewis, Imperial Autobiography, Augustus to Hadrian, in E. Haase (ed.), Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt II 34.1, Berlin-New York, De Gruyter, 1993, pp. 658-669.


Mann 2014 = W. E. Mann (ed.), Augustine’s Confessions: Philosophy in Autobiography, Oxford – New York, Oxford University Press, 2014.


Marasco 2011 = G. Marasco (ed.), Political Autobiographies and Memoirs in Antiquity: a Brill Companion, Leiden – Boston (MA), Brill, 2011.


Mastrangelo 2008 = M. Mastrangelo, The Roman Self in Late Antiquity: Prudentius and the Poetics of the Soul, Baltimore (MD), The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.


May 1979 = G. May, L’autobiographie, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1979.


McGill-Pucci 2016 = S. C. McGill – J. Pucci, Classics Renewed: Reception and Innovation in the Latin Poetry of Late Antiquity, Heidelberg, Winter, 2016.


McGill-Watts 2018 = S. McGill – E. J. Watts (edd.), A Companion to Late Antique Literature, New York, Wiley-Blackwell, 2018.


Mills 2019 = I. N. Mills, Pagan Readers of Christian Scripture: The Role of Books in Early Autobiographical Conversion Narratives, “Vigiliae Christianae” 73.5, 2019, pp. 481-506.


Misch 1950 = G. Misch, A History of Autobiography in Antiquity, translated in collaboration with the author by E. W. Dickes, 2 voll., Oxford, Routledge, 1950 (più volte ristampato; ed. or. Geschichte der Autobiographie, Band I: Das Altertum, Leipzig-Berlin, Teubner, 1907, dritte stark vermehrte Auflage in 2 Teilbänden 1949-1950).


Neumann 2013 = B. Neumann, Von Augustinus zu Facebook: zur Geschichte und Theorie der Autobiographie, Würzburg, Koenigshausen und Neumann, 2013.


Niggl 2005 = G. Niggl, Zur Theorie der Autobiographie, in Reichel 2005, pp. 1-13.


O’Daly 2016 = G. J.-P. O’Daly, Prudentius: the Self-definition of a Christian Poet, in McGill-Pucci 2016, pp. 221-239.


O’Donnell 1992 = J. J. O’Donnell, Augustine, Confessions (vol. I Introduction and Text; vol. II Commentary on Books 1-7; vol. III Commentary on Books 8-13, Indexes) Oxford, Clarendon, 1992 (ora anche electronic edition, online:


Olney 1972 = J. Olney, Metaphors of Self. The Meaning of Autobiography, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1972.


Olney 1980 = J. Olney (ed.), Autobiography. Essays Theorical and Critical, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1980, rist. 2014.


Padover 1957 = S. K. Padover (ed.), Confessions and Self-portraits. 4600 Years of Autobiography, New Youk, John Day Company, 1957.


Papanghelis-Harrison-Frangoulidis 2013 = Th. D. Papanghelis, S. J. Harrison and S. Frangoulidis (edd.), Generic Interfaces in Latin literature: Encounters, Interactions and Transformations, Berlin – Boston (MA), De Gruyter, 2013.


Pascal 2016 = R. Pascal, Design and Truth in Autobiography, London – New York, Routledge, 2016 (ed. or. 1960).


Pasquali 1996 = A. Pasquali, Récit de voyage et autobiographie, “Annali d’Italianistica” 14, 1996, pp. 71-88.


Pelling 2009 = Chr. B. R. Pelling, Was there an Ancient genre of «Autobiography»? Or did Augustus Know what he was Doing?, in Smith-Powell-Cornell 2009, pp. 41-64.


Pietzcker 2005 = C. Pietzcker, Die Autobiographie aus psychoanalytischer Sicht, in Reichel 2005, pp. 15-27.


Pike 1976 = B. Pike, Time in Autobiography, in “Comparative Literature” 28, 1976, pp. 326-342.


Pizzolato 1968 = L. F. Pizzolato, Le «Confessioni» di Sant’Agostino. Da biografia a ‘confessio’, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 1968.


Quet 1993 = M.-H. Quet, Parler de soi pour louer son dieu: le cas d’Aelius Aristide, in Baslez-Hoffmann-Pernot 1993, pp. 211-252 (2018, pp. 245-294).


Radke-Uhlmann 2008 = G. Radke-Uhlmann, Aitiologien des Selbst: moderne Konzepte und ihre Alternativen in antiken autobiographischen Texten, in Arweiler-Möller 2008, pp. 107-129.


Reichel 2005 = M. Reichel (ed.), Antike Autobiographien: Werk, Epochen, Gattungen, Köln-Wien, Böhlau, 2005.


Riggsby 2007 = A. M. Riggsby, Memoir and Autobiography in Republican Rome, in J. Marincola (ed.), A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography, vol. 1, Oxford-Malden (Ma.), Blackwell, 2007, pp. 266-274.


Saffrey 1993 = H. D. Saffrey, Aspects autobiographiques dans les Épitres de l’apôtre Paul, in Baslez-Hoffmann-Pernot 1993, pp. 133-138 (2018, pp. 153-159).


Smith-Powell-Cornell 2009 = C. J. Smith – A. Powell – T. J. Cornell, The Lost Memoirs of Augustus and the Development of Roman Autobiography, Swansea, Classical Pr. of Wales, 2009.


Spender 1980 = St. Spender, Confessions and Autobiography, in Olney 1980 (poi 2014), pp. 115-122.


Spengemann 1980 = W. Spengemann, The Forms of Autobiography. Episodes in the History of a Literary Genre, New Haven-London, Yale University Press, 1980.


Starobinski 1980 = J. Starobinski, The Style of Autobiography, in Olney 1980 (poi 2014), pp. 73-83.


Starowieyski 2004 = M. Starowieyski, L’autobiographie dans l’Antiquité chrétienne, in B. Gain – P. Jay – G. Nauroy (edd.), «Chartae caritatis»: études de patristique et d’antiquité tardive en hommage à Yves-Marie Duval, Paris, Institut d’Études Augustiniennes, 2004, pp. 37-54.


Stenger 2015 = J. R. Stenger (ed.), Spätantike Konzeptionen von Literatur, Heidelberg, Winter, 2015.


Stok 1997 = F. Stok, L’autobiografia nell’antichità: problemi, caratteristiche, tipologie in Caputo-Monaco 1997, pp. 59-82.


Sturrock 1993 = J. Sturrock, The Language of Autobiography. Studies in the First Person Singular, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993.


Toom 2020 = T. Toom, The Cambridge Companion to Augustine’s Confessions, Cambridge – New York, Cambridge University Press, 2020.


Valgiglio 1980 = E. Valgiglio, Confessio nella Bibbia e nella letteratura Cristiana antica, Torino, Giappichelli, 1980.


Vance 1973 = E. Vance, Le Moi comme language: Saint Augustine et l’autobiographie, “Poétique” 4, 1973, pp. 163-177.


Vessey-Reid 2012 = M. Vessey – Sh. Reid (edd.), A Companion to Augustine, Chichester-Malden (MA), Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.


Young 1999 = F. M. Young, The Confessions of St. Augustine: What is the Genre of This Work? “Augustinian Studies” 30.1, 1999, pp. 1-16.


Walz 2002 = D. Walz (ed.), «Scripturus vitam»: lateinische Biographie von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart, Festgabe für Walter Berschin zum 65. Geburtstag, Heidelberg, Mattes, 2002.


Wilamowitz 1907 = U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorf, Die Autobiographie im Altertum, in “Internat. Wochenschrift für Wissenschaft Kunst und Technik” 1, 1907, pp. 1105-1114, poi in Kleine Schriften VI, Berlin-Amsterdam, Akademie-Verlag – Hakkert, 1972, pp. 120-127.


Zambrano 2019 = M. Zambrano, La confessione come genere letterario, Milano, Abscondita, 2019 (ed.or. La confesión: género literario, Madrid, Ediciones Siruela, 1943).


Zatti 2024 = S. Zatti, Il narratore postumo. Confessione, conversione, vocazione nell’autobiografia occidentale, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2024


Zimmermann 2005 = B. Zimmermann, Augustinus, «Confessiones» – eine Autobiographie?: Überlegungen zu einem Scheinproblem, in Reichel 2005, pp. 237-249.